
Luxury should not be a necessity nor a want. If products of high quality are wanted for their durability, then only should they be obtained. Obtaining products of such high quality merely for the name should be avoided. Nothing good comes out of luxury.

One loses touch with the common people. There becomes an issue of segregation – the haves and the have-nots. It is better to remain neutral and only pick quality items in accordance to their rate of usage.

Luxury is a fallacy. What is usually luxurious is never good for the body or the mind. It leads to a more relaxed, comfortable lifestyle. And such a lifestyle is never good for growth. Think about it. Would hiking up a mountain with all its trials and tribulations bring more growth than a helicopter ride to the top? The helicopter ride is luxurious but it achieves very little.

I frankly believe it is better to be simple and neutral as opposed to complicated and flamboyant. The former has qualities that are essential for growth. The latter is a result of that growth. But the result cannot achieve more growth itself.

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